What rose from dust and ancient sea remnants was a deep calcareous valley surrounded by dense oak forest, manzanitas, and lupine. It was a property overlooked for being remote, the oaks so dense it limited plantable acreage, and to most – untamable land.
Years of work has resulted in a small but mighty 17 acre vineyard nestled within 100 acres of oak forest in the Willow Creek District of Paso Robles, California.
Our vines continue their journey deeper into seemingly impenetrable earth and in turn receive inalienable characters – like fingerprints this terroir’s mark is undeniably distinct.
In the Willow Creek District many trailblazing legends proceed us and we are fortunate to ride on their coattails.
It is well known what the Willow Creek District can achieve with Rhône varietals. Huge diurnal temperature swings – high highs, low lows and a close proximity to the Pacific Ocean creates Rhone wines of distinction, tension, and dimension. This dirt can mold heavyweight wines that tower over our California counterparts in terms of density and sheer power. But like every generation it comes down to progression and refinement. We are not called to emulate the styles of our predecessors, or craft wines that fit in a box – instead, we step back and allow the distinctive grape varieties and layers of geology take the reins and define our wines. We are the first page in an ever evolving story and honored to steward this land until the next pair of boots takes our place. We invite you to experience our family’s unique and drinkable story.